WinSCP is an SFTP client application, which enables secure file transfer between your device and the destination server.
Installing WinSCP
WinSCP can be downloaded free of charge, from the following address:
After you have downloaded the file, open it and follow the guided installation. When the application has been installed, you will find it on your PC under the name WinSCP.
Using WinSCP
After opening WinSCP, you will need to define the following information (see picture below)):
File Protocol: SFTP
Port: 22
Username: of your choice
Password: of your choice
Press login, after entering the required information.
If you receive a warning message regarding establishing a connection, press “Kyllä” (Yes).
The following view will appear, after establishing a connection:
On the left panel of the interface, you will see your own local drive and on the right panel Rantalainen's SFTP-Folder. Now the service is ready to transfer files from your device to Rantalainen's server or the other way around. Files are transferred by copy/pasting or by dragging files from one panel to another.
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